How to survive a long flight!
My top 10 must haves for long flights!
Long flights are always tough. For me, I can’t stop thinking about where I am headed which keeps me going. But flying across the pond can still be tiresome. Below is a list of items I always bring on a long/overnight flight. Hopefully this will help pass the time while you fly toward your next adventure.
1. Bring a sarong or sweater – planes can sometimes be cold, and either can be used as a blanket. Word of advice; don’t use an airline blanket that is not wrapped in plastic .
2. Bring a neck pillow – If you are one of those people that can sleep on a plane (so jealous) a neck pillow should probably be a staple in your carry-on. The person next to you may thank you for not sleeping on their shoulder .
3. Try to sleep – Many cross-country flights or overseas flights fly over night. If you can find a way to get some rest, it can only help once you are in that new time zone -and it will pass the time!
4. Bring your own entertainment – Most long flights offer seat back entertainment systems. But if that is not working or you are just not interested, bringing your own laptop, iPad, Kindle, etc. will help a lot.
5. Wear compressions socks on long flights – These will assist with swelling/water retention due to sitting for long periods of time. Try to get up and walk around every few hours too! This will help to get your blood flowing!
6. Wear comfortable shoes – This one is critical for me. The right shoes can make all the difference on travel days. Remember, many airports are very large and there is always a lot of walking to do.
7. Bring your own empty water bottle – Once you are through security many airports have fresh water stations to fill a personal water bottle before boarding your flight. Once on the flight, make sure if you drink any water served on board the aircraft that it is bottled.
8. Pack yourself a snack bag – Although most long flights offer a meal and snack service, I always pack wrapped healthy snacks to have on the plane.
9. Bring a deck of cards or a travel game – playing cards or Travel Scrabble will always help pass the time especially if you are traveling with children.
10. Bring a “freshen up” bag – Whenever we travel on overnight or long flights (over 5 hours) I always bring a bag with a toothbrush and tooth paste, facial & body wipes, eye mask for puffy eyes (love these) and deodorant and maybe some make up. It feels so good to freshen up before landing or once at the airport. I also typically bring an extra outfit in my carry-on too, just in case I spill something or want to change.